Archive for the ‘Beaglebone’ Category

Running FireMonkey apps on the Beaglebone Black

This is the Beaglebone Black

Beaglebone Black

It’s a single-board computer, about the size of a credit card. It’s powered by an ARM Cortex A8 and includes the NEON floating point accelerator. Happily that matches nicely with the Android device requirements for RAD Studio and AppMethod.

When I saw that, I wondered what it would take to deploy a FireMonkey app to it. Like most things, it’s pretty easy once you know how, but it took me a few false starts to get it all figured out. Further, much of the information online assumes you’ll be doing this from Linux. Given my aim of running FireMonkey apps on the Beaglebone, I really wanted to show the steps from Windows.

So here they are.

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